If you are marketing online, it is vital to understand how to generate sales using a list of email subscribers that are interested in you or your business. The age-old saying (the more, the merrier) is not necessarily true when it comes to building a list of subscribers. The responsiveness of your list is one of the critical elements in driving your sales results. So, focus on both the quality of your email list as well as the number of your subscribers, keeping in mind that it might mean tweaking your business processes to attract the right list of subscribers that will ultimately convert into paying customers.
An organically grown subscriber list is healthier for your organization:
Some individuals and companies sell lists of their email subscribers, claiming that you will have an instant increase in sales. Unfortunately, most people that buy these lists see little to no impact on sales performance. That is because a purchased list of email addresses can contain several old non-working email addresses, or they often go to people who are overwhelmed with emails from random marketers, so they ignore everything as junk. That is why it is so advantageous to build a database of subscribers from scratch, knowing that the person has specifically requested to hear from you and are genuinely interested in you or your business.
Get in the habit of building an online presence on various social networking sites. You will have to post a profile and start networking with people on these sites to connect with potential customers. Once you have them interested in either who you are or some common interests (related to your market), you can start posting updates or links to things that you want to promote to get traffic from these sites to your opt-in offers. So, if you are ready to start a rewarding organic email marketing campaign for your business here are a few fundamental points you must consider;
1. The attraction:
What are you giving to your viewers in exchange for them opting-in to your list? It is important to note that people are not necessarily eager to give out their information unless it benefits their interest to do so. That is the very reason why marketers today give free items to attract potential customers. Depending on your area of business, you could consider giving away things like;
🔸Free samples
🔸Free estimates
🔸Complimentary evaluations
🔸Free eBook
🔸Free videos
🔸Discounts for subscribers
🔸Free mini-course
🔸Alerts on sales events
🔸Notifications on new articles, posts, or content
🔸Free entry into a contest
🔸Free events tickets
Yes, people do have a price tag:
It's up to you to figure out what that price is. It may be that they are willing to subscribe if you give them a free short report. It might be that they will do it to enter a contest. It might be that they will reply to an email when they see savings on products they like, so pay attention and do what works for you.
2. Your opt-in process:
So, a viewer on your website just decided to subscribe to your email list in exchange for your offer. How is your website programmed to receive their opt -on is a significant factor to consider? There are two fundamental types of opt-in procedures used to collect the subscriber's email addresses. There are called single-layered opt-in and double-layered opt-in. The one that you choose can have a significant impact on the success of your email marketing campaign, so I want to make sure you understand their respective pros and cons.
Single Opt-in Process means that the viewer only needs to satisfy a one-step requirement, which is to provide their email address to be opt-in to your email list. If for, example, you are giving an eBook in exchange for their subscription. Immediately after they enter the email address and click submit, your website will redirect to the eBook download page the viewer now has access to the document without haven to verify the validity of the email address they provided. Double Opt-in process means that after the person provides their email address and click submit, they will receive a confirmation email directing them to click on a link to validate their subscription and receive your free eBook offer.
Single opt-in process:
Single opt-in is fast and easy for the viewers because it requires less action on their part. Therefore; as a marketer, you could build your list much quicker than you could if you are using the double-opt-in method. However, in my estimation, approximately 25 percent of the email addresses collected without validation, are fake from people who want to receive the free item without any further commitment.
Double opt-in process:
If you choose to implement a double opt-in process where the subscriber is required to confirm his/her email address. Using a response link that gets sent to their email address. This second step is a great way to keep out spammers, bots, and fakers' from reducing the quality of your list.
3. Use the heck out of social media to build your list.
Networking via social media is now prevalent than ever, and with the global coronavirus pandemic, people now have more free time to spend on social networking sites. Therefore, it makes good sense to position your business where your customers are. According to smart insight, there are approximately 3.8 billion people on social media, which is more than half of the world's population, so it's just a matter of understanding the demographics and psychographics of your ideal customers and create engaging messages to attract them.
4. Demographics and Psychographics:
Demographics generally are divided into a few marketing segments; gender, age, level of education, ethnicity, and economic background. Psychographics is the psychological profile of your avatar (your ideal customers). It's divided into their problems, concerns, aspirations, and habits. If you understand the demographics and psychographics of your ideal customers, you can create messages that speak directly to their needs and hone your business uniquely to provide the exact solutions to their problems. You can build a great email marketing list and grow revenue for your business.
5. Email Marketing Lists Management Services:
Some Webhosting services provide email marketing lists management in some of their packages, but there are several independent email services available at affordable rates. Many of them will offer free membership or free trial periods. All you need to start is to type email marketing services in your favorite search engine and browse around into the results to find the one that best fits your requirements.
You can now see that email marketing is a very efficient tool to keep potential customers engaged in your business. All you need is some basic understanding of who your targeted customers are and then create your messages and approach around them. And since many email list management services offer free membership or free trial periods, it is relatively simple to get into the game if you have some basic computing and marketing skills.
If you are still not comfortable going at it alone, we will be glad to help you. But please get into the email marketing game.