By: Maurice Wright

Sales Funnels – What is it, and why do I need one?

We don’t often buy from people or businesses we don’t know and trust. You and I have all been taught the same important safety lesson from our childhood to be skeptical and avoid people we do not know. ( never talk to strangers and stranger danger) and that skepticism help to shape the way we make decisions as adults. There is a lot of stuff available for sale over the internet, and consumers need the assurance that they are spending their money wisely and that they are buying from a credible, trusted, and reliable source.

Most people will tell you that it takes time to build trust and establish credibility. That statement was correct in the past. But in today’s fast-paced world, where everything and everyone is competing for attention, we now unconsciously make these decisions in the blink of an eye. So savvy marketers are coming up with more and more ways to engage potential customers and build a trusting relationship very quickly. A sales funnel is; the perfect vehicle to do that.

Sales Funnel Defined:

Chad Keller wrote the following in an article on “A funnel takes its audience through the process of establishing and nurturing a relationship of trust before asking them to buy.

The idea of the funnel is to keep the prospect engaged throughout the entire process.” The term sales-funnel can also be defined; as a marketing process designed to attract cold prospects and convert them into lifelong customers by funneling them into a 4 - stage system. These stages are as follows;


In this stage, it is your objective to capture the attention of your audience to make them aware of your business and the solution you provide. It is not an immediate attempt to sell but to establish a relationship built on a strong foundation of trust and dependability. There are several ways to raise awareness, including;

🔸 Social Media Engagement

🔸 Blogs

🔸 YouTube videos

🔸 Website

🔸 Paid Advertising and more

Interest and evaluation:

The prospect has now gone through the first stage of the funnel and maybe has seen some differences between you and other available solution providers, but he/she want to make sure that you or your product/service is the absolute right fit. Depending on your business, they might be evaluating your;

🔸 Customer review

🔸 Testimonials

🔸 Content that you have provided.

🔸 Post, newsletters, special reports.

🔸 Your customer service processes

🔸 The time it takes for you to deliver


The prospect has decided to pay money for the product/service you are offering, but keep in mind that until they pay and finalize the transaction, he/she still has the option to purchase it from another seller. Therefore, you are responsible for continuing to assist them in the buying stage. They will compare;

🔸 Your shipping time and cost with your competitors

🔸 Pricing/discounts/special deals

🔸 Advantages and disadvantages

🔸 Money-back Guarantees (if applicable)


Now that the prospect has reached the bottom of the funnel, purchased from you, and became your customer. Congratulations, but know that your job is not over. It never will be. Now that they bought from you doesn’t mean that you have them for life. It takes mastering another phycological to keep them in your ecosystem for a long time. I will discuss these in a future post. But in the meantime, be sure to;

🔸 Set up a timely fulfillment system

🔸 Provide great customer service

🔸 Continue to engage, connect, and

🔸 Build a strong relationship based on reliability, integrity, and trust.